Coronary Stents & Angioplasty

Coronary stents and angioplasty are medical procedures designed to restore blood flow in narrowed or blocked coronary arteries. Angioplasty involves inflating a small balloon inside the affected artery to help widen it, improving blood flow to the heart. A coronary stent, a small mesh tube, is often placed during or immediately after angioplasty to ensure the artery remains open, providing a scaffold to support the vessel.

When is the Treatment Used?

This treatment is commonly used in patients experiencing angina (chest pain) or in those who have had a heart attack. When arteries become narrowed or blocked due to a buildup of plaque or a blood clot, the heart doesn’t receive the oxygen-rich blood it needs. Coronary stents and angioplasty can alleviate these blockages, restoring normal blood flow.


Expected Results

Post-procedure, patients typically experience significant relief from angina and are less at risk for heart-related complications. The restored blood flow allows the heart to function more efficiently and can significantly improve the patient’s overall quality of life.


Following the procedure, patients might be required to stay in the hospital for observation, generally overnight. It’s essential to take any prescribed medications, such as antiplatelet drugs, to prevent blood clots around the stent. Regular follow-ups with the cardiologist are crucial to monitor the stent and ensure that the artery remains open. Lifestyle changes, including a balanced diet, regular exercise, and avoiding smoking, will optimize the long-term success of the treatment.

Remember, while coronary stents and angioplasty can be life-saving, they are part of a comprehensive approach to heart health, and ongoing care is essential for the best outcomes.

For the optimal health of your heart and a brighter, pain-free future, don’t wait. Schedule your appointment with our expert team today and embark on the path to a healthier tomorrow.